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Amherst Police Vehicle

The Police Department, through its officers, has participated in community efforts since its inception. With the commitment to the community-based policing philosophy identified in its strategic plan, it has taken a more structured approach to community/police partnering to resolve community issues.

The department has liaison officers actively participating with the community in a number of national as well as local programs.

Cops for Kids

Police Cadet Amherst cops for kids

pdf 2023 Cops for Kids Registration Form (202 KB)

Once the form is filled out, fax it to 902-667-0268 or drop it off at the front counter of the Amherst Police Department.

C4K will run July 17th - 21st for ages 12-13 years. Deadline for applications is July 2nd. For more information, please contact Cst Michelle Harrison or Melanie Siddall at 902-667-7227.